As Salaam Alaykum, dear readers. Today we are discussing What Is Sunnah in Islam?
A fundamental part of Islamic teachings that significantly influences our daily lives. Join me as we delve into these traditions to discover and understand how the Sunnah influences our daily lives.
What Is Sunnah In Islam?
In Islam, the Sunnah refers to the practices, actions, sayings, and approvals of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). It complements the Quran which sets down the principles, and shows us how to bring those principles to life.
Essentially, the Sunnah encompasses the Prophet’s way of life, his character, and the traditions he established. It includes not only his teachings but also his habits, interactions with others, and moral conduct.

In your journey as a student of the Quran, embracing and incorporating the Sunnah into your life will provide an in depth understanding of Islam and its teachings. It helps to navigate challenges, build strong communities, and lead a righteous and fulfilling life.
Embracing the Sunnah in Our Daily Lives
The Sunnah beautifully details the Prophet’s approach to salah into our daily lives. Below, I have touched on some of the significant aspects of the Sunnah that the Prophet (peace be upon him) taught us. Exploring these habits, traditions, and teachings can give prospective into how to live a life that is pleasing to Allah. Let’s delve into these teachings together and discover the beauty and wisdom they hold.
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasised the important role of the obligatory salah, stating that the first account on the Day of Resurrection will be for one’s salah.
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “Do not be like the person who says, ‘I prayed at night but then slept.'” (Sahih al-Bukhari)
Try to be consistent in your worship, just like the Prophet (peace be upon him). Even if it’s a small act of devotion, doing it regularly shows dedication. It’s a reminder to be sincere in our worship and not just talk about it.
The Prophet said, “The deeds most loved by Allah are those done regularly, even if they are small.” (Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim)
The Prophet also advised contemplating on the creations of Allah, recognising the signs of His wisdom and power in the world. The act of Tafakkur extends beyond salah, but also includes thoughtful consideration for the beauty and complexity of the universe Allah has created.
Together, salah, consistency, and reflection create a harmonious balance in a Muslim’s life. Consistency in salah establishes a regular and direct connection with Allah, seeking guidance, forgiveness, and expressing gratitude, while reflection encourages a thoughtful and contemplative approach to life, deepening the understanding of the divine and the self. They all will contribute to your personal growth, spiritual fulfilment, and a heightened awareness of one’s relationship with Allah and the world.
Embracing the Sunnah for Moral Excellence
The Sunnah emphasises the importance of honesty, kindness, and compassion. As students of the Quran, embodying these virtues in your interactions with others will not only uplift your character but also reflect the beauty of Islam.
Use kind words when you talk to others. The Prophet said being kind is like having faith, so let your words reflect goodness.
The Prophet said, “Kindness is a mark of faith, and whoever is not kind has no faith.” (Sahih Muslim)
Extend your compassion not only to fellow humans but also to the creatures of Allah, echoing the Prophet’s wisdom that being kind to animals is akin to being kind to oneself.
The Prophet said, “Whoever is kind to the creatures of Allah, he is kind to himself.” (Sahih Bukhari)
Remember to let your compassion reach out to every living thing. This isn’t just good for them, it’s good for you too. By doing this, you’re not just working on being a better person, you’re also showing the warm and caring side of Islam in everything you do.
The Sunnah and the Quest for Knowledge

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) placed a high value on education.
The Prophet promoted a culture of continuous and lifelong learning. His teachings encouraged us to seek knowledge throughout our lives. Seeking knowledge is not limited to a specific age or time.
The Prophet said, “Seeking knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim.” (Ibn Majah)
He also said humility is key.
“Whoever humbles himself for the sake of Allah, Allah will raise his status.” (Sahih Muslim)
So, as students of the Quran, it’s important to approach our quest for knowledge with sincerity and a genuine desire to draw closer to Allah. Keep that humility in mind, and watch how the doors of understanding and enlightenment unfold before you.
Embracing the Sunnah for Unity
As students of the Quran, we’re reminded of the importance of sharing knowledge and supporting our fellow learners. The Sunnah beautifully illustrates the concept of believers being like a tightly knit body, where every part plays a vital role in supporting and uplifting one another. By creating a culture of knowledge sharing and mutual support, we create an environment where everyone can grow together.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said,
“A believer to another believer is like a building whose different parts enforce each other,” (Sahih al-Bukhari)
When it comes to community engagement in the Sunnah, it’s not about sitting on the sidelines. It’s about getting involved and actively making a difference in society. Inspired by the sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him), we’re encouraged to roll up our sleeves and participate in charitable activities, lend a helping hand to those in need, and contribute to the overall development of our communities.
As students of the Quran, strive to create a supportive and uplifting environment for fellow learners. Share your knowledge, encourage questions, and build a community that thrives on mutual growth.
Embracing the Sunnah – A Call to Take Action
As we wrap up this exploration of what is Sunnah in Islam? Take a moment to reflect on the sunnahs you have learned and how you can incorporate them into your daily life.
Now, I would love to hear from you.
- What Sunnah practices do you currently incorporate into your life?
- How have they impacted you personally?
Share your experiences in the comment section below. We can all learn from one another’s journeys.
Wa Alaikum Assalam Wa Rahmatu Allah
Jazakum Allah kheir for this great effort
Zin eddine