1. very useful..well explained. was looking fir breakdown of an naziaat.
    found it hard to navigate corpus. pop up details were difficult to close.
    had to keep exiting.

    loved the audho explanation breakdown. am teaching the fatiha. was looking for the bismillah break down word to word and root letters. struggle with finding weak root letter words.
    thanks/JzkAllah khair

    1. As Salaam Alaikum sis Najma

      Thank you for the feedback. I am sorry I have not edited my notes for Surah Naziaat, so they are not available as of yet. I believe the bismillah breakdown you will find in Word Analysis of Quran Lesson 1. I will also edit the Word-to-Word Breakdown of Surah AlFatihah presentation to include the bismillah and email you when it’s ready. I myself, still struggle with the weak root letters, I believe a lot of students struggle with this. Please check out the App review I did for myQuran ,if you have a smartphone you will find it very handy for root words. Here, is also is a link to download the handout which contains the root words of the bismillah.

      I hope this will aid benefit you in your teaching and studies.

      Jazzakallah Khair

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