Word to Word Surah Al Baqarah 1-5 Test

Test Your Understanding, Multiple Choice Questions

You can also revise here  before attempting the test

Select the correct meaning for each Arabic word displayed

Learn the word to word breakdown of Surah Al Baqarah with Understand Quran Academy





  1. Assalamu alaikom, may Allah reward you for these quizzes 🙂 The quiz on Surat Al-Fatiha was what compelled me to come back to this website, ma sha Allah.

    I was wondering if I can repost your quizzes on another Islamic community platform with mentioning this website as my source. I’d like to introduce people to more interactive Islamic websites and show them what they can find on them, like this quiz 🙂

    If I cannot, I completely understand. JazakomAllahu khairan for your efforts!

    1. Wa salaam, I am glad you are finding the website beneficial. Yes, I am very happy for you to re-post for the benefit of others and would appreciate if you could also include a link or mentioning this website. If you have not done so already Sign Up and you will receive notification when new quizzes and presentations are uploaded. Jazakallah Khair for your support May Allah reward you.

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