I remember the year when I approached Ramadan without clear intentions or having any specific goals for Ramadan. I found myself drifting through the month, lacking focus with no direction.
However, since then I made a conscious decision to be more intentional and set specific goals for each Ramadan. This shift in mindset made a world of difference in how I observed Ramadan, as it brought back clarity and purpose in my worship.
Setting purposeful goals for Ramadan, not only did it uplift my emaan, but it also inspired me to create this Ramadan Journal and Planner.
Setting Intentions for Ramadan
Our intentions for Ramadan are to please and serve Allah. By setting clear intentions, we consciously acknowledge the purpose of our actions. Every goal we set should be rooted towards pleasing Him. This helps us to remember the essence of this blessed month and its significance in our lives.
Hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him)
“The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, ‘The reward of deeds depends upon the intentions and every person will get the reward according to what he has intended.'” (Sahih Bukhari, Book 1, Hadith 1)
So, let us set our intentions to please and serve Allah, and let us strive towards our goals with unwavering determination and faith.
Additionally, setting goals allows us to have a roadmap for personal growth and development during Ramadan.
Goals act as stepping stones that help us stay focused and motivated throughout the month. They provide us with a sense of direction and enable us to make the most of this precious time.
Sowing Your Seeds for Change – Goal Setting in Ramadan

Think of goal setting as planting a garden.
Just as a gardener carefully selects the seeds they want to grow, choose your goals with intention and purpose.
Each goal represents a different plant in your garden, with its unique qualities and desired outcomes.
Just as a gardener prepares the soil, you can lay the groundwork for your goals by creating a supportive environment. This may involve developing a routine, establishing healthy habits, and removing any obstacles that hinder your progress.
Once the seeds are planted, a gardener nurtures them through watering, fertilising, and protecting them from pests. Similarly, you can nurture your goals by consistently investing time, effort, and resources into your development. This may involve learning new skills, seeking guidance or removing yourself from challenges that arise along the way.
As the plants grow, the gardener prunes and shapes them to ensure they thrive. Likewise, as you progress towards your goals, it’s important to periodically review and adjust your approach. This could involve reassessing priorities and making necessary changes to stay aligned with your aspirations.
Finally, when the garden blooms, it becomes a beautiful and fulfilling sight. Similarly, as you achieve your goals, you’ll experience a sense of accomplishment and fulfilment. Celebrate each milestone reached and take pride in the progress you’ve made.
1. A Step-by-Step Approach
- Begin by identifying the different facets of your life that you want to improve during Ramadan.
- For each area, brainstorm what success would look like.
- Create a step-by-step plan by starting from the end goal and working backwards to identify what actions are necessary to achieve them.
For example, if your goal is to increase your knowledge of the Quran, your plan might include setting aside specific times for study, finding a knowledgeable teacher or study circle, and selecting which Surahs or topics you will focus on.
2. Refining Your Goals for Success
After setting your initial goals, take time to reflect on their feasibility and significance. Ask yourself:
- Are these goals attainable within the month?
- Do they contribute towards my long-term spiritual growth?
- If necessary, refine your goals to make them more specific, measurable, and aligned with your deeper values.
This might mean adjusting the scope of your goals or setting smaller milestones that can be achieved throughout Ramadan.
3. Examples of Purposeful Goals for Ramadan
Purposeful goals are those that resonate with your intention and have clear outcomes. For example:-
- Spiritual – Completing the recitation of the Quran with understanding, perhaps by reading a translation or tafsir
- Charitable – Volunteering a set amount of hours per week for a local charity or committing to a certain amount of sadaqah.
- Personal development – Attending a weekly halaqa (study circle) to cultivate knowledge and companionship within the community.
- Family – Leading or organising family iftars with discussions on specific Islamic topics to enhance collective understanding.
4. Strategy for goal management
To track your progress, you could use a journal, an app, or a calendar.
- Mark milestones and reflect daily or weekly on advancements made towards your goals.
- Write down one thing you learned each day.
- Check off when you’ve completed a part of your action plan.
- Regular review to help you stay on track and adjust your plan as necessary.
Take a Moment and Set Your Goals for Ramadan
Remember, when planning for Ramadan, take a thoughtful and step-by-step approach. Identify the areas of your life you wish to improve, visualise success, and create a roadmap to get there. Along the way, refine your goals, ensuring they are attainable, and contribute to your long-term growth, that aligns with your core values and Islam.
What goals do you envision for this Ramadan? How can you make this month more meaningful and transformative? To aid you in this journey, consider getting our Ramadan Journal and Planner. It’s a valuable tool to keep you organised, and focused,
Until next time.