Wa Salaam, I am sorry you are having issues. I have checked the page and it is working from my end, so I will suggest some troubleshooting for you.
1. If you have not already done so. There is a Next button which you need to click to start the Quiz.
2. Try using another browser.
If you have subscirbed you will also have access to the resource library, there you will find a pdf version of the quiz.
Please let me know if you need futher assistance Jazkallah khair
My first attempt Alhamdullilah
perfect website
Jazkallah Khair
Cannot see the results of the quiz.
Assalam o alaikum i can’t find the result of quiz they say complete the name bit there is no option for writing it plz resolve it
Wasalaam, will look into this and update it thankyou
Asalam Aleikum, please help, I can’t acces the Tafseer quiz.
Wa Salaam, I am sorry you are having issues. I have checked the page and it is working from my end, so I will suggest some troubleshooting for you.
1. If you have not already done so. There is a Next button which you need to click to start the Quiz.
2. Try using another browser.
If you have subscirbed you will also have access to the resource library, there you will find a pdf version of the quiz.
Please let me know if you need futher assistance Jazkallah khair